

* “Educate a child and he will inherit riches and wisdom beyond   recognition ……   Educate a nation and they will inherit the WORLD.”

* “Give a hungry man a fish to eat and he is fed for the day …. teach a hungry man to fish and he is fed for the rest of his life!”

It is a commonly known fact that poverty in the world is going rampant. The question is what is the real cause of this?

Most people have opinions like “a Lazy Man will die hungry and so will his offspring.” or “People spoiled by hand-outs never learn to work for their means.”

Did you know in actual fact that at the root of poverty lies poor education?

It is the aim of eSoft Education to bring educational software, programs and e-books right to your doorstep (or should I say Tablet Screen?)

Education starts with our children, but is not supposed to stop there – this we call Continuous Personal Development – a term that should become the new motto of a society craving for Equality and the right of every person, young and old, to make a reasonable living, living a life of dignity.

Educated parents can educate their children. Parents who understand the value of education live not only for themselves, but for the generations after  them. a Childs’ success depends on the way his parents bring him/her up. Setting the right example forms the foundation of your children’s success.

“I, myself, am a parent of two lovely boys. I take sooooo much pleasure in watching them grow and mastering different life skills and learning new things everyday. It is of utmost importance for me that they get enough stimulation and are exposed to educational toys, games and other software. They are already picking the fruits of this being above the average of their peers, and being very eager to learn.”

In this blog I hope to expose you to a lot of material and mediums to help educate your children, but also for your own personal growth in various subjects and areas of your personal and professional lives.


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